We have collected information about How Long After Delivery Can You Get Your Tubes Tied for you. Follow the links to find out details on How Long After Delivery Can You Get Your Tubes Tied.
Tubal ligation-- also known as having your tubes tied -- is a kind of surgery that will keep you from ever getting pregnant.If you’re thinking about having it done, it's important to understand ...Author: Diana Reese
Aug 10, 2018 · If you have the procedure done the day or two after a vaginal delivery, you get a local or regional anesthetic, then a doctor makes a small incision under your navel and removes some or all of your tubes through it. You may have some soreness at the incision site, but the surgery is not likely to prolong your hospital stay.
Aug 29, 2011 · At our hospital, we usually will do a tubal the day after delivery. If you have an epidural, they can leave the epidural in (but not running), then dose the epidural for your tubal. We also leave the IV in until afterwards. They will do just a small (maybe 1-2 inches) incision at your belly button.
Sep 07, 2004 · Should I get tubes tied along with C-section? ... This is a highly unlikely occurrence during a C-section or after a delivery. You may wonder what happens to the egg if it is “stuck” in a ...Author: Dr. Judith Reichman
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