Gairdin Hours

We collected information about Gairdin Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Gairdin Hours.

Home Gairdin
    New Hours: Monday: By Appointment Tuesday: 10-4pm Wednesday: 10-4pm Thursday: 10-4pm Friday: 10-5:30pm Saturday 10-5pm If you prefer, we can also arrange a private shopping appointment, just for you... give us a ring or send an email to [email protected].

An Gairdin Beo: Opening Hours
    Opening Hours Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 4.30pm. Saturday & Sunday: By arrangement . Please note that the garden may be open outside these hours and visitors are always welcome. If you want to arrange to visit the garden outside opening hours, please contact us by email or on Facebook.

GAIRDIN - Home Decor - 50 SE Sott St, Bend, OR - Phone ...
    2 reviews of Gairdin "More than a year had passed since I was inside Gairdin. I forgot how many nifty, seasonal things this store has and how many of them are pretty decent prices considering the competition in Bend. The reason It had been so long absent was because in times past the interior space was so tightly packed that it was difficult to get around and a tad claustrophobic to boot.18 Yelp reviews

Gairdin - address, 🛒 customer reviews, working hours and ...
    Gairdin,: shop's location and contact details, 2 reviews from customers, open hours, photos on Gairdin on map.3/5(2)

Gairdin - Visit Bend
    Gairdin prides itself on providing changing and inspiring displays, and is committed to sourcing the latest design trends, all to ensure customers are delighted each and every time they step into the shop. Gairdin 50 SE Scott St, #2, Bend, OR 97702 Get Directions. Featured In

Gairdin - Home Facebook
    Gairdin, Bend, OR. 164 likes · 2 talking about this. We curate inspiration for the home, from nature, Bend and places around the world. Custom faux, dried and preserved floral designs and Unique...

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