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Jan 13, 2012 · The trained retrieve will solve your problems but it takes a couple of weeks or more to complete and during that time you won’t be able to retrieve with the dog at all. Its a job for the summer if the above techniques have not helped you.
Delivery problems Delivery issues are some of the most common problems raised by gundog handlers and described to us, in the emails we receive asking for help Some delivery problems frequently occur during the early months of training and are overcome with patience and simple well tried traditional techniques which manipulate the dog into the correct behaviour.
Sep 23, 2010 · The "sore mouth" period (between four and six months) of toothing is often the root of mouth problems in retrievers. Laying off retrieving for that month may well avoid having to force train to correct faults or polish delivery. To overcome your dog's possessiveness, try two things. First, get out of his mouth and get to a hind leg.Author: Dave Duffy
Nov 14, 2013 · Traditionally, gundog trainers have also avoided punishment to resolve delivery problems, for fear of putting dogs off retrieving altogether. Some traditional trainers will however teach a form of ‘forced hold’ where the dummy is placed into the dog’s mouth and he is praised and encouraged for keeping it there.
Apr 06, 2016 · I make no bones about it, I am a stickler for a correct delivery. But while it should be one of the most straightforward and natural parts of gundog training, it is all too often the one that causes the most hiccups. "I am never in a rush to see if a youngster will retrieve, I always assume it will."
May 27, 2011 · Kevin Powell from Shropshire Gundogs www.shropshire-gundogs.co.uk helps solve the very frustrating problem of the dog dropping the retrieve before the delivery. For other hints and tips videos ...Author: ShropshireGundogs
Jun 12, 2017 · PROBLEM: Here are two questions I received in the past few weeks dealing with problems encountered with dogs retrieving. I suspect these were unexpected problems, surprises perhaps, that cropped up during last hunting season. Solving problems with hard-mouthed retrievers or those who simply don't want to retrieve downed birds is tough but not impossible.
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