We have collected information about Gls Italy Delivery Times for you. Follow the links to find out details on Gls Italy Delivery Times.
Delivery time How long will your shipment take to reach its destination? Check the expected delivery times now by entering the destination postcode or locality.
National parcels usually reach their destination in almost all countries within a standard delivery time of less than 24 hours (excluding islands and remote areas). In Europe, standard delivery times are generally between 24 and 96 hours. GLS delivers Monday to Friday during normal business hours.
Reliable parcel delivery within defined standard delivery times is the strong point of GLS. Domestic parcels usually reach their destination in less than 24 hours. In Europe delivery times are generally between 24 and 96 hours. GLS delivers Monday to Friday during normal business hours.
GLS offers reliable delivery services for companies and private customers. Shipping with GLS is convenient and secure, with rapid delivery throughout Italy. For international shipments, our wide range of solutions enables you to reach the entire planet.
Delivery ONLY at workdays where NOBODY is at home. Delivery point changed online. Instead of delivering there, which was 2 min from my place, the gls driver places the parcel to a delivery point 30 min away! Customer service is resistant to feedback and hangs up! I really hope this company goes bust!
Sending a parcel with GLS means that it arrives quickly and safely. Reliable parcel shipping within defined standard delivery times is the strong point of GLS. Domestic parcels usually reach their destination in less than 24 hours. In Europe delivery times are generally between 24 and 96 hours.
GLS offers reliable dispatch services to companies and individuals. Sending a parcel with GLS is comfortable and secure. Shipping with GLS includes short standard delivery times …
GLS Italy Tracking Track GLS Italy Parcel. The easiest and most convenient tracking solution for parcels throughout the world. It provides real-time updates for both domestic and international shipments. Track GLS Italy Contact Details. If you need information that is not available on our website, you can give us a call or fill out the ...5/5(1)
They do nothing. The recipient has no idea delivery has been attempted and contacts me to know why they haven't received the parcel. First occasion I was able to get the recipient to contact GLS and collect the parcel, second time GLS has already shipped the parcel back to me. What a fcuk**g waste of time and money. GLS need shafting.
GLS Tracking Service. EuroBusinessParcel The basic product for Europe-wide parcel delivery. Goods can be sent to all major European markets in standard delivery times of 24 to 48 hours. Deliveries to more distant regions usually take between 72 and 96 hours. EuroBusinessSmallParcel Europe-wide delivery especially for small and sensitive goods ...
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