We have collected information about Genital Warts Pregnancy Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Genital Warts Pregnancy Delivery.
Oct 28, 2017 · The strains of HPV that cause genital warts haven’t been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage or problems with delivery. If you have active sores at the time of going into labour, you may be offered a caesarean section, to prevent the infection being passed on to the baby at birth.
Apr 27, 2018 · Sometimes, warts on the vaginal wall can make it difficult for your vagina to stretch enough during childbirth. In these cases, a cesarean delivery may be recommended. Very rarely, genital warts...Author: Lauren Reed-Guy
If the strain of HPV results in genital warts during pregnancy, it is unlikely to affect the health your baby. Due to hormonal changes, changes in the immune system and discharge, genital warts are shown to grow faster during pregnancy. But in any case, they do not pose a serious risk to you or your baby.
Jan 09, 2019 · Having genital warts shouldn’t affect your delivery. Sometimes, large warts may cause bleeding during delivery. Rarely, genital warts can grow large enough during pregnancy …Author: Stephanie Watson
If a pregnant woman has genital warts, she should tell her clinician. He/she can remove warts before the birth to keep them from bleeding during delivery. A cesarean section may be needed if warts are likely to bleed heavily, but rarely women transmit genital warts to the fetus during vaginal delivery.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and genital warts pose a special problem in pregnant women. There is risk of transmission to the fetus and during birth. Also, the changes that the body endures during pregnancy can stoke up a dormant HPV infection.
Jul 23, 2019 · Genital warts often go away on their own, but they can also be treated by a doctor. It's unlikely that HPV will affect your pregnancy in any major way. Occasionally, however, surging pregnancy hormones can cause the warts to bleed or increase in size, making it hard to pee (not the kind of thing a pregnant woman with an overactive bladder wants to hear!).
If a pregnant woman has genital warts, the doctor will monitor to see if the warts get larger. Hormone changes during pregnancy can cause the warts to multiply or get larger. Sometimes the warts will bleed. Depending on the extent of the warts, the doctor may postpone treatment until after childbirth.
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