We collected information about Friday Harbor Art Studio Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Friday Harbor Art Studio Hours.
Find opening times and closing times for Friday Harbor Art Studio & Custom Picture Framing in 321 Geneste St., Friday Harbor, WA, 98250-9580 and other contact details such as address, phone number, website, interactive direction map and nearby locations.
HOURS Friday Harbor Atelier is a private workspace, but we are open to the public on most Saturdays in the summer, from 11:00am to 2:00pm. We are also open for special gallery shows, open houses, and by appointment: email us at [email protected]. or …
Apr 11, 2012 · Welcome to Friday Harbor Art Studio. As of 2017 Friday Harbor Art Studio has moved to my new home studio location at: 321 Geneste St. Friday Harbor, WA 98250. Custom PICTURE FRAMING services will continue in the new location BY APPOINTMENT. Please call first (360.472.1053).
FRIDAY HARBOR ART STUDIO MOVED IN 2017 To a home Studio location at: 321 GENESTE STREET, FRIDAY HARBOR, WA 98250 Same phone and email addresses and the new location is just 2 1/2 short blocks from the old location.
Opening Hours. Mon: 11am-6pm; Tue: 11am-6pm; Wed: 11am-6pm; Thu: 11am-6pm; Fri: 11am-6pm; Sat: 12pm-5pm; Sun: 12pm-5pm; Payment. PayPal5/5(1)
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