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To rm files and directories older than file.ext run rm -r `find -maxdepth 1 -not -newer file.ext`. To rm files and directories newer than file.ext do rm -r `find -maxdepth 1 -newer file.ext` . To place file.ext where you want it in time run touch -t $(date -d '-1 hour' +%Y%m%d%H%M.00) file.ext where '-1 hour' specifies "1 hour ago".
Delete files older than 1 Hour find /path/to/files* - mmin +60 -exec rm {} \; 2. Delete files older than 30 days find /path/to/files* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \; 3. Delete files modified in the last 30 minutes find /path/to/files* -type f-mmin 30-exec rm {} \; 4. Move files older than 30 days to an archive Folder find /tmp -mtime +30 -exec mv -t {} /archive/directory/ \;Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Apr 17, 2006 · Re: How to Delete files older than 6 hours. Use the touch command to create a reference file with the desired timestamp, then use the find command to delete files older than the reference file: find /start_dir ! -newer ref_file -exec rm {} \; Pete. Pete.Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Apr 20, 2008 · find command (with -cmin switch) $ find /home/ftp/incoming/raw/ -maxdepth 1 -cmin +60 -name FileName. The -cmin option will print FileName’s status was last changed n minutes ago. This command will print all file names more than one hour old.
Dec 03, 2016 · Again, I warn you that these commands will delete the files immediately once you hit ENTER button. Please be cautious and double check before running these commands. $ find <Path_To_Old_Files> -type f -mtime + 30 xargs rm -f. Or, $ find <Path_To_Old_Files> -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \; Or, $ find <Path_To_Old_Files> -mtime +30 -delete;Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Jul 23, 2017 · find ./ -type f -mmin -5. To delete files we can use the -exec rm {} \; argument, which is a little confusing, but basically you’re telling the exec argument to remove the files. So to delete all files in the current folder, including subfolders, created in the last 5 minutes, use this command: find ./ -type f -mmin -5 …Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
This is based on Find out if file is older than 4 hours in Batch file, but that solution was written for only for one static filename. I have adjusted it for multiple files, and US date format, but the problem I am having in the file minutes it is picking up the 'a' or 'p' for am or pm.
Oct 30, 2010 · or with GUN find you can use -mmin (1440mins = 24 hours) for more control (e.g reduce to 12 hours or increase to 36 hours) : Code : file /search/path -mmin +1440 -delete
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