We have collected information about Fedex Delivery Center for you. Follow the links to find out details on Fedex Delivery Center.
Use FedEx Delivery Manager to request to redirect a package. You can also leave delivery instructions for your FedEx courier, or even place a temporary delivery hold on your package deliveries for up to 14 days. Visit our Customer Support page with your tracking number or door tag number to …
FedEx® Shipping Services Access the services you need at the FedEx Ship Center at 4301 Atlantic Ave to meet your timeline with FedEx Express ® and FedEx Ground ® services. Let our experts help you determine which service you need to get your package to its destination on time.Location: 4301 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, 27604, NC
Get info on shipping, accounts, missed deliveries, signatures, and labels. Or get ways to contact us for custom help. Shipping Create a Shipment. Shipping Rates & Delivery Times. Shipping Rates & Delivery Times. Schedule & Manage Pickups. ... Home Help Center FedEx.
FedEx Freight-Service Center Hold FedEx Freight allows customers to hold a shipment at the destination service center for recipient pickup. To request a HOLD, go to www.fedexfreight.fedex.com/locations and enter the zip code of the recipient to find the nearest service center or call Freight Customer Service at 866.393.4585.
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