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The SP18 is an ultra-compact and efficient solar panel specifically designed for any Exodus Trail Camera and other 12V electronic products with the proper connection. The Exodus SP18 is built to last with a weatherproof design that ensures maintenance-free optimal performance, regardless of any weather condition.
Contact Exodus Outdoor Gear You can text or call 330-367-7598, Monday-Friday 9-5 EST for any type of support, answers, or help with anything involving Exodus. Outside of office hours please leave a voicemail, text, or shoot us an email for immediate service the next business day.
Exodus was born out of an idea. The desire to see a trail camera company dedicated, not only to building elite products, but also to backing them up like no other company is willing, with an unmatched level of customer service and support.
The Exodus team has spent countless hours of scouting and hunting public ground in the Buckeye state. Since starting Exodus Outdoor Gear, we've placed close to a hundred cameras across the various national forest, in hopes of locating a big whitetail to hunt.
Exodus Outdoor Gear. The Exodus Trek Trail Camera. Sold out Exodus Outdoor Gear. The Exodus RENDER 4G LTE Cellular Trail Camera. Sold out Exodus Outdoor Gear. Render and SP18 Bundle. from $414.99. Exodus Outdoor Gear. EXODUS LIFT II PUBLIC LAND PACKAGE. Sold out
Exodus Outdoor Gear. Exodus SP18 - 12V Solar Panel with Built in Rechargeable Lithium Battery. $79.99. ... MasterLock. MasterLock 6' Python Cable Lock. $18.99. CamLockBox. Security Box Swivel Bracket. Sold out Exodus Outdoor Gear. Exodus Trail Camera Battery Tray. $5.00. Exodus Outdoor Gear. Exodus Render Antenna. Sold out Exodus Outdoor Gear ...
All Exodus trail cameras are built to stand the test of time, but in case they don't, every camera we sell is covered by a 5-yr warranty from date of purchase, in addition to a …
Our mission at Exodus is to create the best trail cameras that we possibly can. For us, that doesn't stop on launch day. We're always listening to your feedback and working to improve our cameras wherever we can. Firmware updates are a natural part of that process. From time to …
All Exodus trail cameras are built to stand the test of time, but in case they don't, every camera we sell is covered by a 5-yr warranty from date of purchase, in addition to a 5 Year Theft and Accidental Damage warranty. During that time period, if any failures occur due to manufacturing we will repair or replace your camera with the same model.
The Exodus Render The Exodus Render is a reliable work horse. It's our flagship trail camera, it captures ultra-crisp HD videos and photos, 0.3 second trigger speed, and has a battery life that'll last all season (with our SP18 12V Solar Panel). The Render is user friendly and comes with an easy-to-read owners manual to help assist in set-up.Reviews: 42
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