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Your donation gives a future and hope to an impoverished woman, her family and community!
About. >. We are proud to offer a unique blend of expertise in helping churches develop care for all children's needs.
Causes: Christianity, Religion. Mission: Evangeline ministries works especially with poor women who live with hiv and aids to give them skills that will help them earn a living for themselves and their families.Almost all of these women come from masiphumelele, an informal settlement in fish hoek in south africa. Programs: Twice a week, em conducts sewing classes for between 9 and 11 women.5/5(1)
Evangeline's Costume Mansion. 113 K Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814, United States (916) 448-2594 [email protected]. Hours. Mon 10am - 7pm. Tue 10am - 7pm. Wed 10am - 7pm. Thu 10am - 7pm. Fri 10am - 7pm. Sat 10am - 7pm. Sun 10am - 7pm. 113 K Street, Sacramento CA 95814. [email protected]
As she cared for her son 12 hours away from family and friends, she developed a loved for TV ministry, for during these months the weekly broadcasters become her church and her pastors. From this time, Evangeline has held a burning passion to teach, preach, and spread the gospel through TV ministry.
Search, Shop and Share! We’re doing our part to make the planet a more beautiful place by preserving the Earth’s resources. Pink Doing Green SM is our promise to create and maintain sustainable business practices, while also partnering with organizations whose mission is to preserve and beautify our communities globally.
We would love to meet you, and we know our congregation would too. Come visit us Sunday mornings at 10:15am, Sunday nights at 7pm and our mid-week service on Wednesdays night at 7pm.
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