We collected information about European Parliament Visiting Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about European Parliament Visiting Hours.
The European Parliament is welcoming visitors to its facilities in Brussels and Strasbourg and in the Europa Experiences across the continent. Keep an eye on our Covid-19 page for more information about what you can visit. Link to offer Link to offer. Explore the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Group visits last 1-2 hours and consist of a personalised talk by a staff member on the role and powers of the European Parliament, a question-and-answer session and a visit to the Hemicycle gallery. They are available in all 24 European Union languages, from Monday to Friday.
European Parliament Visits and Seminars Unit PHS 01C003 Rue Wiertz/Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Brussels Tel.: +32/2 284 21 11 Fax: +32/2 284 35 30 European Parliament Bureau de Strasbourg BP 1024 F F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex Fax: 0033/3 88 17 51 84 [email protected]
Parlamentarium. Book during Covid-19. Multimedia guides lead visitors to the heart of the European Parliament, explaining the path towards European cooperation, how the European Parliament works and what its Members are doing to meet the challenges of today. It can be experienced in any of the European Union’s 24 official languages.
Adapted opening hours. See the House of European History website for more information. Security. A valid identity document (ID card or passport) is required to access European Parliament buildings. All visitors and bags are subject to airport-style security checks before entry. Firearms, explosive or inflammable substances, pepper sprays, sharp ...
Visiting the European Parliament. Parliament Building in Strasbourg. Photos: European Parliament. Every year about 300,000 people visit the European Parliament. Visits can be made to the Parliament buildings in Strasbourg and Brussels. Citizens can follow the parliamentary sessions and meet Members of the Parliament.
Visiting Strasbourg during coronavirus. Hygiene and safety measures have been put in place to allow visits in Strasbourg during the coronavirus pandemic. Please read the information carefully to prepare for your visit. It’s possible to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg again and see European …
Apr 06, 2019 · The Parliamentarium is the EU Parliament’s official visitor centre, and has longer opening hours than the Parliament itself, so it’s a great option if you can’t make one of the Parliament tours. Like the European Parliament tour, visiting the Parliamentarium is free. The entrance is just off Espace Léopold, towards Rue Montoyer.Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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