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In two and a half minutes, Bob, Susan, and Linda explain EstateVal, and how it can help with every aspect of your estate-tax securities valuations. Need Help? Get free help from our Support Department from 7:30am - 4:30pm, every day the NYSE is open, at [email protected] or (818) 313-6300.
Real Estate appraisal means an analysis, opinion or conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value or utility of specified interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate. It is the responsibility of licensees to understand the State Certified and Licensed Real Estate Appraisers License Law. Term of licensure is two years.
Attn: Estate Processing. 7711 Plantation Road, 1st Floor. Roanoke, VA 24019. In person: Take the necessary documents to a Wells Fargo branch and speak to a banker. Make an appointment. For investment accounts, take the documents to the customer’s dedicated financial advisor. Getting Started. Common Terms. FAQs.
Jul 04, 2012 · The intended use of the appraisal will guide us in the right direction: ESTATE TAX: Required by the Internal Revenue Service and many states. If the total estate is over a certain value threshold (currently at $5 million), then everything needs to be appraised and valued as of the date of death (or alternate date).Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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