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Equivalent Full Load Cooling and Heating Hours Values on low end of range assume units off during unoccupied hours in cooling season and 10°F set-back in heating. Values on high end assume no set-back control. Unoccupied ventilation air and internal loads minimized for both high and low range values.File Size: 21KB
constant thermostat setting over a cooling season. Equivalent full load heating (EFLHH) hours are analogous to EFLHC; this paper focuses only on cooling.1 The product of the EFLHC and the system’s actual capacity is the amount of cooling the system delivers in a cooling season, as shown in Equation 1. Equation 1: 5 U O P A I …File Size: 723KB
34 rows · peak design load is actually 2,750 tons. Assume that the hospital operates 2,800 hours a year at ...
May 01, 2009 · , , the equivalent full-load hours of operation of the HVAC system, either for the cooling or for the heating period, are calculated as follows: (5) N eq,c = ∑ i = 1 m N bin,i · (T o,i-T bal) (T ODC-T bal) and (6) N eq,h = ∑ i = 1 m N bin,i · (T bal-T o,i) (T bal-T ODH)Cited by: 23
May 01, 2009 · In load prediction of district energy system, Papakostas et al. [7] proposed a new procedure for the calculation of equivalent full-load hours of operation for heating and cooling system, from ...Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
equivalent full hours of heating equipment. 1. I would like to know if there is a standard way of calculating the equivalent to a capacity factor but for heating equipment. That is the ratio between the amount of heat delivered during one year divided by the amount of heat that could be delivered by the equipment (capacity x time in a year). Or otherwise, the equivalent full load heating hours divided by the number of hours of the year.
Full Description. This report presents the results of ASHRAE research project 1120-TRP, with a goal of developing equivalent full load hours for heating and cooling loads in GCHP systems. We used data from 20 buildings to develop building load models. We used these models to estimate heating and cooling loads across the range of climates depicted by the TMY2 data set and to subsequently develop EFLHs.
EFLH equivalent full load hours . EIA Energy Information Administration . EILP exterior installed lighting power . EIR energy input ratio . ELAP exterior lighting power allowance . ERV energy recovery ventilator . …
=The equivalent full load heating hours for the boiler, furnace, or unit heater. Refer to Table 2 below. Grand Junction / Western Slope is climate zone CO2 with an altitude of 4,839 ft ASL Heating Efficiency Colorado
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