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Employee Benefit Consultants 1425 Front Street Richlands, VA, United States (276) 964-6707 [email protected]. Scroll to top ...
Find opening hours and closing hours from the Employee Benefits Consultants category in Howell, MI and other contact details such as address, phone number, website.
Our consultants will work with employers and employees to best determine how their benefit dollars should be spent. EBC provides employers with a variety of service levels to choose from and will play an integral role in educating employees on the benefits they have and how to utilize them properly.
May 28, 2014 · For employees, figure 2080 hours - 80 holiday hours - 80 vacation hours, or 1920 working hours a year; for consultants, you're probably buying 2080 hours - 80 holiday hours - 40 unpaid personal days = 1960 hours a year. Your baseline cost for the $95K employee is now $50/hours; your cost for the $70/hour consultant is $137,200 per year.Author: Hyam Singer
They have all the benefits of employment, including being on the payroll, vacations, benefits, overtime, etc. However, in return the employee must put in the hours of a full-time employee, which in most cases amount to about 40 hours a week. A consultant, on the other hand, is different.
The first step in calculating your consulting hourly rate is to get an idea of what you were making hourly at your most recent job. To do this, take your most recent salary, divide that number by 50 weeks (weeks in a year minus two vacation weeks) and divide that number by 40 (average work hours/per week).
Mar 01, 2018 · In the United States, if the IRS determines that a consultant’s relationship to a client qualifies as an employer-employee relationship, the client is responsible for the employer’s portion of Social Security and Medicare taxes for the period the consultant was engaged (currently 7.65% of qualifying wages), but also penalties and interest.Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Dec 10, 2018 · Generally provides consulting services to more than one company. Works the hours set by the employer. Sets his or her own hours. Usually works at the employer's place of business. Works out of his or her own office or home. Often receives employment benefits, such as health and disability insurance. Does not receive employment benefits from the ...
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