We collected information about Eddie R Mcgee Sr Construction Inc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Eddie R Mcgee Sr Construction Inc Hours.
Eddie R McGee, Sr Construction, Inc. 3324 N Chester Street. Indianapolis, IN 46218 (317) 441-2225. Contact Information. 3324 N Chester Street. Indianapolis, IN 46218 (317) 441-2225. BBB Rating ...
Eddie R McGee, Sr Construction, Inc. 3324 N Chester Street. Indianapolis, IN 46218 (317) 441-2225. Reasons for Rating. A+ ...
EDDIE R MCGEE SR CONSTRUCTION INC was incorporated on 02/14/2000 as a Domestic For-Profit Corporation type registered at 3324 N CHESTER, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46218, USA. The agent name of this company is: EDDIE R. MCGEE SR , and company's status is listed as Dissolved.
EDDIE R MCGEE SR CONSTRUCTION INC was formed on Monday 14th February 2000, so this company age is twenty-one years, two months and twenty-nine days. This company status is currently admin dissolved . Principal office address of EDDIE R MCGEE SR CONSTRUCTION INC is …
Eddie R Mcgee Sr Construction Inc is an Indiana Domestic For-Profit Corporation filed On February 14, 2000. The company's filing status is listed as Admin Dissolved and its File Number is 2000021500041. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Eddie R. Mcgee SR and is …Location: IN
See past project info for Eddie R McGee Sr Construction Inc. including photos, cost and more. Indianapolis, IN - Excavation Contractor
EDDIE R MCGEE SR CONSTRUCTION INC is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 2000021500041. Company is incorporated on14th February 2000. Current status of the company is Admin Dissolved. The company's agentis EDDIE R. MCGEE SR, 3324 N. CHESTER, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46218, USA The company's secretaryis MINNIE MCGEE, 3324 N CHESTER, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46218, USA The …
We found two companies that listed this address in corporate registration documents — Eddie R Mcgee Sr Construction Inc and Eddie R Mcgee Sanitation Inc. The building is listed as a single family. It was built in 1961. The house is located on the parcel #490721125057000101. The property has six rooms and two bedrooms. This is a single floor ...
EDDIE R. MCGEE SANITATION INC. is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 1996120518. Company is incorporated on9th December 1996. Current status of the company is Admin Dissolved. The company's agentis Eddie R. McGee, 3324 N. Chester Avenue, INDIANAPOLIS, IN, 46218 - 0000, USA
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