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Nostalgic stories by world-famous authors and illustrators. New stories to discover with your child for the first time. Book prices meet or beat major retailers, delivered to your door. Manage your subscription with ease (change frequency, pause/skip shipments, change account information, cancel any time, all online 24/7)
Online Support: Log in to your dashboard to manage your account 24 hours a day. Mailing Address: Early Moments, 83 Wooster Heights Rd., Danbury, CT 06810; Phone Number: Call 1-800-353-3140 (toll-free) Monday to Friday, 9 am–5 pm ET.
By Mail: Early Moments, 934 Plaza Drive, Montoursville, PA 17754-2400 By Phone: Call 1-800-353-3140 (toll-free) Monday to Friday, 9 am–5 pm EST.In Canada, call 1-800-675-6995 (toll-free). By E-mail: [email protected].
Specialties: Early Moments may be a new name to you, but we've been publishing and sharing children's book subscriptions with young families for more than 45 years. We're proud to support some of America's most prestigious brands, including Dr. Seuss™, Disney, Sesame Street and Baby Einstein®. Established in 1965. Our parent company, which is headquartered in Norway, was founded in 1965 by ...Sat: Closed
*Phone Number used to place the order: *Last 4 digits of your credit card number: * All fields are mandatory. Enter the 10-digit phone number you used to place your order (with no spaces or dashes) and the last 4 digits of the credit card used for payment. Please note that it may take up to 48 ho
Share your favorite classic Disney stories and brand new Disney-Pixar tales with a new generation. High-quality, collectible-quality hardcover books are a great start to a home library for your little one. Full-color illustrations and whimsical text engage little readers. FREE eBooks are included with each and every title.
Dr. Seuss is the Perfect Starting Point for Every Reader, from the Smallest to the Tallest. Dr. Seuss’s rhymes tickle your child’s funny bone while teaching phonics. Beloved characters from your childhood provide opportunities for bonding. Whimsical illustrations inspire creativity and imagination.
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Please Provide Your Account Information. This will allow us to look up your balance and also access your stored payment methods. Account Number. Billing Zip code. Reset.
On the other hand, if you find yourself right around the same area of the room and a bit closer to each other than you were a few minutes ago, you can rest easy that she is indeed moving closer to you. 5. Warming to your touch. When a woman warms to your touch, she feels melty and surrendered towards you. Yum!
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