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May 21, 2018 · Parturition is the medical term for childbirth. We’ll explain the three stages of parturition — dilation, expulsion, and placental — and their phases. Plus, learn how …Author: Scott Frothingham
Dec 04, 2018 · Medical Definition of Expulsion, stage of. Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Coronavirus COVID-19: Latest News and Information. Expulsion, stage of: The second stage of labor, lasting from the full dilation of the cervix until the baby is completely out of the birth canal.
Jul 09, 2009 · THE THREE STAGES OF LABOR AND DELIVERYby Sandra Landinguin ... The Three Stages Of Labor And Delivery 1. THE THREE STAGES OF LABOR AND DELIVERYby Sandra Landinguin<br /> ... THE SECOND STAGE OF LABOR “EXPULSION”<br /> In expulsion, the involuntary contractions continue to be long in duration and closely spaced, but now the woman has a ...
Stage 2 – Expulsion; Stage 3 – Delivery of the placenta . Introduction to labour. Labour is the process of passage of the foetus and placenta from the uterus, through the vagina, to be external to the mother. It is part of the process of parturition, which refers to labour, …
The last stage of labor and delivery is the expulsion stage. False. The male reproductive system can be referred to as the genitourinary system. True. Gynecology is the branch of medicine specializing in pregnancy and childbirth. False. The prostate gland is also known as Cowper's gland.
Jul 05, 2019 · The dilation stage, where the cervix widens and opens to about ten centimeters to allow passage of the fetus, or baby. The expulsion stage, where uterine contractions push the baby through the cervix and down the birth canal, ending with delivery of the baby. This stage also includes an assessment of the baby’s health using the Apgar score.
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