Dunois Hours

We collected information about Dunois Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Dunois Hours.

British Library

    Dunois Hours. A highly decorated French Book of Hours, commissioned by Jean d’Orléans (d. 1471), Count of Dunois. Among the book’s extensive decoration, which appears on nearly every page of the manuscript, there are sixty full-page illustrations, painted in colours and gold …

Details of an item from the British Library Catalogue of ...

    Book of Hours, Use of Rome ('The Dunois Hours') Origin: France, Central (Paris) Date: c. 1440 - c. 1450 (after 1436) Language: Latin, with a French calendar: Script: Gothic cursive: Artists: This is the eponymous manuscript of the Dunois Master (known as the principal associate of the Bedford Master). Some miniatures in the St Stephen Style ...Date: c. 1440-c. 1450 (after 1436)

The Dunois Hours Archives Essex Voices Past

    from The Dunois Hours (Paris, c. 1440 – c. 1450 (after 1436)) British Library’s shelfmark Yates Thompson 3 f.211 . The limitations of using wills to determine religious belief Wills do not always accurately reflect the complete representation of a testator’s religious beliefs.

BOOK OF HOURS, use of Rome, in Latin, ILLUMINATED ...

    The Dunois Hours (BL, Yates Thompson Ms 3) is very close in design to another Hours of the 1440s made for a great military figure, Prigent de Coëtivy, the Admiral of France (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, W. Ms 82).

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