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800-577-7994 within North Carolina. 919-716-1800 outside of North Carolina. For information about applying for and updating your North Carolina professional educator’s license, contact asklicensure@dpi.nc.gov. Please note when emailing us to include your full name in the email, as well as the last 4 numbers of your SSN and your license or ...
We encourage you to use the area below to email DPI, rather than phone, with questions.An email can be sorted and routed more quickly upon receipt to the appropriate person. If you do prefer to call, please contact Nicole Washington toll-free at (888) 245-2732, extension 1.
dPi Teleconnect PrePaid Local Home Phone, Long Distance, Internet, Mobile. dPi offers multiple Long Distance home phone packages, starting with a 100 minute prepaid plan up to a 2,000 minutes pre paid long distance plan. We also offer rate plans with long distance as low as 5.9 cents per minute. Need international minutes?Followers: 45
Get In Touch Your issues and concerns are important to us. Please let us know how we can help you. My License I need help with ... General License My Licensing Situation Educator Preparation Programs Other licensing questions... Contact Licensing I am Asking About Another Educator I am asking about someone else... A staff member of ours A teacher of my child Contact Licensing About Someone ...
Each public school unit has identified a lead person to help with questions around the key components of Home Base. Please use the button to access the contact list to identify lead contacts within each area: PowerSchool, SchoolNet, and NC Educator Evaluation System. If updates to your PSU contacts are needed, please email home_base@dpi.nc.gov.
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