We collected information about Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation Hours.
Find opening times and closing times for Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation in 1312 S. Waverly Road, Lansing, MI, 48917 and other contact details such as address, phone number, website, interactive direction map and nearby locations.
Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation 1312 S. Waverly Road, Lansing, Michigan, 48917 P.O. Box 27277, Lansing, Michigan, 48909 Telephone (517)322-2050 / Fax (517)322-0050 [email protected] Directions to Our Office
Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation employs 107 employees. The Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation management team includes Jim Buzzie (President), Mike Harsch (President), and Carrie Colwell (Sales Manager). Get Contact Info for All Departments
more Douglas Reniger and Paul Gillett founded Douglas Steel Fabricating in 1952. The company started in an 11,000-square-foot plant in Lansing, Mich.Many of the earliest projects were designed and built by Douglas Steel using steel joist designs.The company specializes in pedestrian bridges, crane runways and truss-framed industrial building.Category: Metal Industry
Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation was retained by Ideal Contracting to install new steel and relocate existing steel to support presses being relocated from shuttered GM plants to Parma, Marion and Flint locations. The entire project was done using model review. No shop drawings were issued to the EOR for approval.
Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation 1,370 followers on LinkedIn. Douglas Steel delivers complex structural steel projects at the lowest total project cost, on time, on budget, safely. We ...
5173222050 Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation Lansing +1 (517) 322-2050 Yellow Pages Find over 5.000.000 Business Listings for free. business-open.com the yellow pages directory.
With the acquisition of Solo Cup Company in early 2012, Dart Container Corporation outgrew its facility in Mason, MI and invested $47 million for an expansion. Douglas Steel was hired by Clark Construction Company to detail, fabricate and erect over 600 tons of structural steel for the 3-story 143,000 SF new corporate office building.
With the acquisition of Solo Cup Company in early 2012, Dart Container Corporation outgrew its facility in Mason, MI and invested $47 million for an expansion. Douglas Steel was hired by Clark Construction Company to detail, fabricate and erect over 600 tons of structural steel for the 3-story 143,000 SF new corporate office building.
Laurie Keener is the Controller of Douglas Steel Fabricating Corporation and is a member of the Board of Directors. Laurie joined the firm in 2007. She has over 30 years of construction accounting experience. She oversees all aspects of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Job Cost, Payroll and HR Employee Benefits.
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