We collected information about Doris S Say Md Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Doris S Say Md Hours.
2 reviews of Doris S Say, MD "When we first visited we were skeptical, how good the doctor gonna be. We were assigned to see Dr. Dorris by hospital but honestly speaking my opinion changed Best doctor for your lill ones. takes very good care of my son. every visit to Dr. Dorris say has been exceptionally great."32 Yelp reviews
Dr. Doris S. Say, M.D., is a Pediatrician practicing in Sacramento, CA. See Doctor 's full profile and credentials.Phone: (916) 424-9446
+ Locations, Office Hours & Directions Doris Say, MD 1355 Florin Road , Suite Suite 16 , Sacramento , CA 95822 map
This organization is not BBB accredited. Medical Doctor in Sacramento, CA. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, & more.
Dr. Say graduated from the University of Santo Tomas in 1979. Dr. Say works in Sacramento, CA and specializes in Adolescent Medicine and Pediatrics. Dr. Say is affiliated with Mercy General Hospital, Methodist Hospital Of Sacramento and Sutter Medical Center Sacramento.4.5/5(2)
Doris S Say MD has been providing medical testing services in Sacramento, California since 1999. Contact this Sacramento County medical laboratory, Doris S Say MD, at the above phone number to schedule an appointment, learn what DNA tests are offered, or to find out their hours of operation. Visit California Test Centers to compare Doris S Say MD to other testing labs in the state.
Make an Appointment + Locations, Office Hours & Directions. Doris Say, MD. 1355 Florin Road, Suite Suite 16, Sacramento, CA 95822 map
Takes time to answer my questions. Provides follow-up as needed. Tell us more about this location. Doris S Say MD. 1355 Florin Rd Ste 16 Sacramento, CA 95822. Select your waiting time. < 10 mins 10-15 mins 16-30 mins 31-45 mins > 45 mins. Office cleanliness. Courteous staff.4.5/5(2)
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Dr. Doris Day is a trend-setting leading dermatologist in New York City's cosmetic dermatology field. Her private dermatology practice, located in New York's Upper East Side, provides skin treatments for people of all ages seeking to look their best.
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