We collected information about Dk Fabrics Port Road Opening Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Dk Fabrics Port Road Opening Hours.
Find opening & closing hours for Dk Fabrics (Hindmarsh Sa) in 105 Port Road, Hindmarsh, South Australia, 5007 and check other details as well, such as: map, phone number, website.
Specialties: Founded in 1991, DK Fabrics is a family-owned business with over 20 years of experience when it comes to dealing with all types of fabrics. Our huge store with over 1800 square metres of floor space is filled with an extensive range of fabrics and accessories and has to been seen to be believed!! We have South Australia's largest range of fabrics, stocking beautiful bridal and ...4/5(5)
Get updates on upcoming sales, news & special offers. Shop. New Arrivals; Bridal & Evening Fabrics; Casual Fabrics
Founded in 1991, DK Fabrics is a family-owned business with over 20 years of experience when it comes to dealing with all types of fabrics. Our huge store with over 1800 square metres of floor space is filled with an extensive range of fabrics and accessories and has to been seen to be believed!!
105 Port Road Hindmarsh SA 5007 08 8346 8445. 0. Home; Shop. Bridal & Evening Fabrics. Bridal Motifs ... Casual Fabrics. grid list. Acetate Lining Black. $6.50 per metre ( $1.63 PER 1/4 METRE) 0 out of 5. Acetate Lining Blush ... Trading Hours. Monday to Saturday 10:00am ...
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