We collected information about Discount Bank Israel Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Discount Bank Israel Hours.
Branches are dispersed throughout the country, some branches are open on Fridays and dozens of branches are open in the evening.
Kikar Hamedina (152) Pension Consulting: Mon, Tue, Wed, during bank hrs. Daily Banking Services - 24 hours a day Please note, Services will be provided at "Kikar Rabin" branch (85), 66 Iben Gvirol st. Tel Aviv or at "Lev Dizingof" branch(147), 55 Dizingof st. Tel Aviv .for more info. you may contact the branch or call tellebank *6111.
Discount Bank branches at your service. We offer you a variety of banking services: Bank account - once opened, your bank account will be assigned to a Discount Bank branch of your choosing. Credit cards. Loans and credit facilities. Checkbooks. Deposit cash and checks. Make payments. Investment advisory service.
Customer of Israel Discount Bank? * Yes . No . Account Number * City * Branch * ID ...
Private Banking. Discount's premium services. Personal and fully available service. All services for private banking clients. Further information >. Checking Accounts. Services and products for a diverse range of clients, unique groups and preferred arrangements. Further information >. Capital Market.
details about Discount Bank Ltd branch which located at Daniel 33, Bat Yam. Discount Bank Ltd., or Discount Bank, is a commercial bank that was established in Israel during the British Mandate and is still operating in Israel. The Sabbath entry / exit time : Entrance: 19:25 -- Exit: 20:26.
Israel Discount Bank branch code 94. Israel Discount Bank Beer Sheba,BEER SHEVA. Israel Discount Bank branch code 517. Israel Discount Bank Lev Hayr,BEER SHEVA. BENE BERAQ. Israel Discount Bank branch code 58. Israel Discount Bank Derech Ben Gurion,BENE BERAQ. Israel Discount Bank branch code 139.
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