We collected information about Denver Public Libraries Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Denver Public Libraries Hours.
All Denver Public Library locations are now open. Curbside holds pick up is available at all locations for customers who prefer to collect their holds without entering the building. Book drops are open at all locations. Please be aware that library hours are limited due to budgetary constraints.
Curbside Service Hours: Mon-Thur, 10 a.m.-6 p.m, Sun 1-5 p.m. Phone Reference: 720-865-1111 Tue-Thur, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Fri-Mon, 1-5 p.m. Due to construction, Central ...
Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library. Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library. 2401 Welton St. 80205
Central Library Phone Numbers: General Information: 720-865-1111. Bookmobile: 720-865-1114 (leave message). Children's Library: 720-865-1306. Circulation: renewals, overdues, holds 720-865-1111 or call any library location during business hours.. Community Technology Center: 720-865-1706 more information. Friends Foundation: 720-865-3453. Interlibrary Loan: 720-865-1718 more information
Labor Day Closure. All virtual and on-site services will be unavailable on Monday, September 6 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. You can still use many of the library's resources even when the buildings are closed: Read more. about Labor Day Closure. Subscribe to Locations and Hours.
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