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Apr 28, 2020 · defragment the C drive is taking over 24 hrs. I was having issues with the speed of my Dell laptop (HDD). I ran the de fragment operation and it was going really slow, (like 8 hours) to get to 45% complete on the first pass. I came back about an hour later and it had been restarted and was repairing the drive (note said could take over an hour to complete) it has been on this screen for over 16 hours now. not …
Oct 07, 2011 · It is normal for defrag to take long time especially when there are a lot of data and no enough memory. Given to your situation, it seems that the system hang. It is suggested to stop it and restart to Safe Mode and try defrag again.
Sep 24, 2011 · I did a disc cleanup then restarted my computor and ran "defrag" and it has been running for over 24 hours. I have to guide bars to tell me how much time is left or if anything has even been completed. Please help · Hi, Sorry to say that there is not remainding time. It is normal for defrag to take long time especially when there are a lot of data and ...
Feb 23, 2010 · My PC is not done defragging after 24 hours 1. Turn your anti-virus off. Some anti-virus will not allow any application to move some system files. 2. Do not use computer during defragmentation as it will "forced" the software to re-start itself. 3. Run chkdsk before starting deframent software.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Apr 17, 2008 · Wow, I downloaded and immediately started to defrag my drive, I started it about 6:30 pm yesterday and it is now 9:30 pm the next day with a 95% complete ratio, over 24 hours. I have never had any defrag program take that long. The funny thing is I actually ran it on my small 40 gig drive first t...
Jul 10, 2011 · I've been running Disk Defragmenter on Vista for over 24-hours now. I have a 500GB hard drive. I can't believe it's not finished yet. Is this normal?
Feb 15, 2020 · My Hardrive is partition to c and d. My c drive is only 99gb and d is 360gb.yesterday I Defrag c it took long and I have work to do with pc so I cancle it. Today I have free time and Defrag d drive it say 6%fragments and It took over 8 hours to finish it. Is this normal. I am afraid of of Defrag …
May 18, 2021 · If you have a large drive filled with various items, the time can even be extended to 24 hours. Why Does Windows 10 Defrag Take So Long? If your windows 10 defrag is taking a long time to finish then you should understand that the larger the hard drive and the more files are stored in your drive, the longer it will take the computer to defrag ...
Sep 22, 2007 · I've seen defrag run for an hour or two, but when it runs more that 24 hours; either it is fighting for every free sector on the HD in a badly fragmented system OR it could be restarting over/over ...
Stop the VSS service when defragmenting your drive. This ensures that you don't create unneeded restore points when performing a defrag. To do this: Open Defraggler > click Settings > Options. Click on the Advanced tab. Check Stop VSS when defragmenting NTFS volume > click OK.
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