We collected information about Deakin University Library Opening Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Deakin University Library Opening Hours.
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For instructions and tips on connecting to the Deakin WiFi visit the IT help page. Print, copy and scan. All multi-function printers at the Library offer colour and black and white. For information on the price of prints, refer to print@Deakin. Use your Deakin Student Card to print, copy and scan in the Library. Assistive technology
Library Home Library. Deakin University Library. Try the new Library Search. Our Library search vendor has been working on an updated search experience. You can now test it out for all your usual search activity. Look for the feedback button once you've tried it out.
Cloud Campus. Although all Cloud Campus students are welcome to visit any of Deakin's libraries on campus, our online resources are vast and varied. Jump on your laptop and browse through unit materials, research papers, articles and literature.
For information on the price of prints, refer to print@Deakin. Use your Deakin Student Card to print, copy and scan in the Library. Borrow equipment. Locker keys (Borrow: 1 day) Assistive technology. You can view our range of software and hardware aides. To use the assistive technology room at your Library, ask at the Library …
Aug 21, 2021 · For further information visit Deakin’s COVIDSafe FAQ. You will require a permit to travel to campus. If you need help, please contact us on: Library Chat. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 03 9244 6200. Please refer to the University’s COVID-19 FAQs page for the most up-to-date information from Deakin leadership. Post taxonomies.
Group study rooms are available to be booked by Deakin students and staff. Book a room > Take a virtual tour. Explore your campus library by left-clicking and dragging to look around. You can use the arrows to move within the library, and the plus icons provide information about some of our resources and services.
Dec 11, 2018 · Library hours during the upcoming holidays. It’s been an amazing year – and an amazing decade – for Deakin Library. We had more than 2,727,000 visits…. December 18, 2019.
Deakin University Library. 5,415 likes · 20 talking about this · 500 were here. Inventive. Vibrant. Bold. The library is part of the success of everyone at Deakin University. Get in touch through...5/5(2)
The DUSA Bookshop is the only supplier of textbooks and equipment on Deakin University Campuses. We stock textbooks, reference books, Deakin course materials, general books, stationery and gifts. Visit the DUSA Bookshop online and search via campus, semester and subject code. Click here for bookshop specials.
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