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Specialties: Daniel Gravel, the owner of the DG Salon has practiced his craft for over thirty years. His passion and love for hair design started in the 80s when Daniel began his apprenticeship in the most prestigious hair salons in London and was trained by some of the most sought out and renowned hair artists in Europe. His beginnings in London, gave him an appreciation and awe for hair ...25 Yelp reviews
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Daniel Gravel Salon at 328 S Beverly Dr Ste F, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. Search for other Beauty Salons in Beverly Hills on The Real Yellow Pages®.5/5(2)
5 reviews, contact details and business hours of Daniel Gravel Salon at 328 S Beverly Dr Ste F, Beverly Hills, CA. Check out nearby places on a map. Write a review.
Read what people in Beverly Hills are saying about their experience with Daniel Gravel Salon at 328 S Beverly Dr # F - hours, phone number, address and map. Daniel Gravel Salon Beauty Salons , Hair Salons9.9/10(584)
Daniel Gravel Salon in Beverly Hills, CA 90212 - 328 S Beverly Dr Ste F. Get Beauty Salons, Hair Supplies & Accessories, Hair Removal, Hair Stylists business hours, locations, phone numbers, services and more. Like and give a rating for this business or get more similar business in more like this section.
Daniel Gravel, the owner of the DG Salon, has practiced his craft for over thirty years. His passion and love for hair design started in the 80s when Daniel began his apprenticeships at the most prestigious hair salons in London and was trained by some of the most sought out and renowned hair artists in Europe. His beginnings in London gave him an appreciation and awe for hair design and has ...4.7/5(64)
© 2018 Site by Marni Angel DANIELE GRAVEL
3 customer reviews of Daniel Gravel Salon. One of the best Hair Salons, Beauty business at 328 S Beverly Dr # F, Beverly Hills CA, 90212. Find Reviews, Ratings, Directions, Business Hours, Contact Information and book online appointment.
Daniel Gravel Salon 328 S Beverly Dr Ste F, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (310) 556-1069 View Business Details. Services. Health and Beauty. Hair Removal Services; Haircut and Styling;
Members share their favorite recommendations - everything from the latest restaurants and shops, to the best hair salons… $100 for $150 at Daniel Gravel Salon - Yelp Yelp
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