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Dude definition is - a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : dandy. How to use dude in a sentence.
Define dude. dude synonyms, dude pronunciation, dude translation, English dictionary definition of dude. n. 1. Informal An Easterner or city person who vacations on a ranch in the West. 2. Informal A man who is very fancy or sharp in dress and demeanor.
The Dude. The Dude network monitor is a new application by MikroTik which can dramatically improve the way you manage your network environment. It will automatically scan all devices within specified subnets, draw and layout a map of your networks, monitor services of your devices and alert you in case some service has problems.
1) Originally, “dude” meant a stuck up person who dressed overly well. It first emerged in the year 1883 in England. 2) Later it was used in the old west to mean a city person who moved to the west without actually know what he was doing. Synonymous with “city-slicker” 3) Later, in California, the term changed from these insults to a term meaning any male, human or otherwise.
Best known for trick shots, stereotypes, battles, bottle flips, ping pong shots and all-around competitive fun, Dude Perfect prides ourselves in making the absolute best family-friendly ...Views: 4.6M
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