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Delivery Time: Service Days: Delivery Area: FedEx SameDay ® Cross-country door-to-door delivery within hours, depending on availability. 7 days a week; 365 days a year. Available throughout all 50 U.S. states. FedEx SameDay ® Freight: Shipments over 150 lbs. delivered door-to-door within hours, depending on availability. 7 days a week; 365 days a year.
FedEx SameDay provides reliable door-to-door delivery within only hours. New to FedEx SameDay? Apply now for an account to use specifically for all same day services, then register to get started.
For delivery on the same day that you request service, your packages must be ready by specific times within normal business hours (available for deliveries up to 45 miles). Delivery to a Business* by 5 p.m. Distance to Your Destination: Your Package(s) Must Be Ready by: 0–45 miles: Noon: Delivery to a Residence* by 8 p.m. Distance to Your Destination
Available 365 days a year, FedEx SameDay Freight delivery can get your shipment of more than 150 lbs. delivered to your customer on the same day you schedule it.
FedEx SameDay City lets you choose the speed you need with two options. Priority service: Deliver in hours. Pickup and delivery in as little as 2 hours, depending on the distance from origin to destination.
For shipments that cannot be delivered on the first attempt by the FedEx First Overnight or FedEx International First commitment time, we may reattempt delivery by the FedEx Priority Overnight ® or FedEx International Priority ® commitment time on the same day as the first attempted delivery. If necessary, a second reattempt may occur by the FedEx Priority Overnight or FedEx International Priority commitment time the following business day.
FedEx only displays the city or Zip/postal codes served by FedEx in the destination and origin countries you selected. FedEx does not deliver to Post Office Box addresses in the U.S. Please enter a ZIP code to find the transit time for your shipment. Delivery dates and …
Use FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery to deliver packages to residents’ homes Monday–Saturday, excluding holidays. The selected date cannot be before the standard delivery date and must be within 14 days from the pickup date.
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