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A money-back guarantee applies to FedEx Ground shipments to business addresses and FedEx Home Delivery ® shipments to residential addresses within the U.S., and to FedEx International Ground ® shipments if you choose the brokerage-inclusive option. If the package is not delivered on the standard scheduled delivery day, you can request a credit of shipping charges.
Feb 24, 2018 · No company guarantees when it comes to weather. But UPS and FedEx do guarantee all their basic services (Ground and Air) for 50 out of 52 weeks of the year. Ground is not guaranteed for the last two weeks of the year, but Air is guaranteed 52 weeks a year,...
The FedEx late delivery refund policy (known as the money back guarantee- MBG) can be summarized with the following: assuming there are no exceptions (weather delays, address correction, etc.) every package is guaranteed to arrive on time or you as the shipper are owed a refund- even if that package is 61-seconds late.
Jan 25, 2018 · UPS and FedEx are two giants in the shipping and logistics industry. They deliver almost 20 million packages a day between them. Hardly ever late with a delivery, their businesses depend on timeliness and reliability. Their busiest period, of course, is the Christmas season, a time when worsening weather puts pressure on their operations.
Jan 02, 2012 · If FedEx is even a minute late delivering a package sent with their services, the customer can file for a full refund. But, there is one loophole. In the case of inclement weather (like a white Christmas), the FedEx guarantee is subject to lifting. When weather prevents safe driving or flying conditions, the guarantee is suspended.
Oct 10, 2011 · •Inclement weather •Air traffic control delay •Day of the week (namely Sunday) No one gets a refund without inquiring about the FedEx money back guarantee. FedEx will not contact a customer to inform him or her that the delivery was late, but …
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