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FedEx Appointment Home Delivery is not available in combination with FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery ® or FedEx Evening Home Delivery ®. Include the recipient's phone number with area code and requested delivery date in your electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission. A fee applies. See “ Fees and Other Shipping Information” (PDF).
FedEx Delivery Manager will allow recipients to select only eligible delivery options. What is the deadline for choosing to deliver a package to another address? You have until midnight the day before delivery to change your delivery location on all eligible packages.
Informed Delivery provides eligible residential consumers with a digital preview of their household's incoming mail scheduled to arrive soon.* Users can view greyscale images of the exterior, address side of incoming letter-sized mailpieces (not the inside contents) via email or an online dashboard. Check out our FAQs for more details.
Unsolicitied emails from an unauthorized third party cannot be prevented by FedEx. If you are expecting an email from FedEx, confirm the email was sent from an official FedEx email address ([email protected]) and never access any hyperlink that does not point to www.fedex.com. For more information about fraudulent emails visit the FedEx Trust Center
When you opt in to receive alerts via FedEx Delivery Manager® you will get package status notifications. You will be notified when: Your package is ready for pickup, if you have chosen to hold at a location; A shipment requires a signature to complete the delivery; There …
Jan 09, 2020 · Informed Delivery® - The Basics. Informed Delivery® is a free and optional notification feature that gives residential consumers the ability to digitally preview their letter-sized mail and manage their packages scheduled to arrive soon.
Want to preview your package before it arrives? If yes, then here is a great service offered by USPS called as "USPS Informed Delivery". This service allows users to have a digital look at their letter-sized mailpieces and manage their packages scheduled to arrive soon.
11/22/17 Eligible PO Box customers can now digitally preview their incoming mail through Informed Delivery. The free feature, which USPS introduced nationally this year, allows users to interact with incoming mail and manage packages on a secure online dashboard.. Informed Delivery was previously available only to consumers at eligible residential addresses.
As long as the account that created the label is in good standing, the print return label does not have an expiration date. Email return labels may be set to be accessible for a maximum of two years from the date of the request for U.S. domestic shipments, including FedEx Express and FedEx Ground.
FedEx offers many additional services to give shippers and recipients a more convenient shipping experience. These services range from specialty shipping services such as shipping with dry ice, to delivery services such as obtaining a signature as proof of delivery, holding a …
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