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FedEx will attempt to obtain a signature at the delivery address. If no one is available to sign, FedEx may deliver the package in a safe place without obtaining a signature.
FedEx Ground will reattempt delivery if: 1) for residential deliveries, no one at the recipient address or a neighboring address is available to sign for the package and there is no signature release on file; 2) the shipper has selected a FedEx Delivery Signature Option and no eligible recipient is available to sign for the package; or 3) we, at our sole discretion, determine the package may not be released.
Services > Solutions for shipments with special requirements / Delivery Signature Options Choose how you want your packages signed for. Whether you require a signature to prove the safe arrival of your valuable goods, the signature of an adult, or perhaps no signature at all, FedEx provides a range of delivery options (1) to meet your needs. You can select your preferred delivery option at the ...
81 rows · FedEx ® Delivery Signature Options U.S. Express Package Services, U.S. Ground …
Indirect signatures can come from someone at the delivery address or someone at the neighboring address. Indirect signatures also allow the recipient to sign a FedEx door tag at their address. The FedEx door tag authorizes the FedEx deliveryman to deliver the package without anyone present.
You can request this convenient delivery option with FedEx ® Delivery Signature Options if you want FedEx to obtain and automatically send you proof of delivery. Not available in combination with FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery ® or FedEx Appointment Home Delivery ® .
A proof of delivery containing a scanned signature (if the signature is available) can be easily retrieved on FedEx.com. All you'll need to do is enter your Air Waybill number. Please note: the signature image and additional recipient information may not be available for display in all countries.
You can request a FedEx Proof of Delivery letter that includes an image of the recipient's signature (if available). If you need detailed delivery information please call FedEx Customer Service at 800 FedEx …
Dec 16, 2011 · Delivery Signature Options. For FedEx Express U.S. package services and FedEx Ground services, the charge for Indirect Signature Required (from someone other than the recipient, such as a neighbor) is $2 per package. Direct Signature Required is $3.50 per package. Adult Signature Required is $4.50 per package.
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