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Same-Day Delivery is available for $9.98 per item without a Prime membership. Select the delivery option at checkout. To get your items by 9 p.m. the same day…
Amazon Prime members shipping to select metro areas across the U.S. can choose to receive FREE Same-Day Delivery on a broad selection of items. Prime members can qualify by: Placing orders before the Same-Day Delivery order cutoff time.
FREE Same-Day Delivery Fast delivery on millions of best sellers and everyday essentials In Philadelphia, Dallas, Orlando, and Phoenix, customers can order until 5pm and get delivery as fast as 5 hrs, with four daily delivery windows.
Next time you need something from Amazon Prime, make sure you know your delivery options. You're probably familiar with all the fast and free options: Prime Now 2-Hour Delivery, Same-Day Delivery, One-Day Shipping and Two-Day Shipping. But sometimes, with so many options, questions arise.
If you have an Amazon Prime membership ($99 per year), same-day delivery is $5.99 for orders under $35, but if you spend more than that, it's actually free. Without a membership, you can still take advantage of this fast shipping option, but it will cost a bit more — $8.99 plus $0.99 per item.
* For more information about FREE Same-Day Delivery for Amazon Prime members, go to Order with Prime FREE Same-Day Delivery. ** Excludes Amazon Gift Cards, which are shipped for free to Prime members and priced at up to $3.99 per Gift Card for non-Prime members. Note: Same-Day Delivery rates for items sold and shipped by marketplace sellers are set by the seller and may vary from the …
There were no dead flowers and anything that was distorted from shipping quickly revived in water. My only complaint is that there is no date of delivery option, BUT it's Amazon, not Teleflora, and the price is fabulous. I'm ordering again now...for myself from my husband :) because I love flowers more...
FREE Same-Day or One-Day. Free delivery by 9 p.m. today or tomorrow. FREE Same-Day Delivery: Orders placed in the morning, typically before noon, are delivered today; orders placed in the afternoon arrive the next day; order in the morning for fastest delivery.
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