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Route Planning, Without The Hassle Tired of spending hours trying to map messy delivery routes yourself? With Routific, you can plan and dispatch optimized routes in minutes.
If you have further questions and are interested in becoming an independent contractor please fill out the registration form by clicking the form link to the right. or. please email us at: [email protected] or call 614-461-8585 / toll-free 1-800-308-7608.
The Columbus Dispatch Circulation Department 5300 Crosswind Dr. Columbus, OH 43228. For any further questions, please email us at: [email protected] or call 1-888-837-4342.
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Due to COVID-19 and to ensure the safety of our team, our limited call center staff is now working remotely. Because of this limited staffing, the response time to phone calls and the ability to ...
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