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If you're expecting a package, but you've missed the first attempt at delivery, you have options. The UPS InfoNotice ® lets you know we tried but were unable to deliver your package. Using your UPS InfoNotice, you can reschedule the delivery of your package. Just log into ups.com and enter your UPS InfoNotice number in the Tracking field on the ups.com home page or the Tracking page.
We are unable to provide two delivery attempts on the same day. Your driver may make a second attempt on the next business day, and a third attempt on the following business day, if necessary. Where available, your shipment may be taken to a UPS Access Point™ for pickup. Refer to the information on the UPS InfoNotice ® left by your driver.
UPS will make three attempts to deliver your package on three separate business days. In most cases, you must be present and provide an adult signature to receive your package. If you are unavailable to sign for your package on any of those days, they will typically hold your package at a nearby UPS facility for 3-5 business days.
We are unable to provide two delivery attempts on the same day. Your driver may make a second attempt on the next business day and a third attempt on the following business day, if necessary. Where available, your shipment may be taken to your nearest UPS Access Point location™ for collection.
Unless it was a C.O.D. delivery, UPS will hold your shipment for five business days at the nearest UPS center. If the shipment is not picked up within five business days, it will be returned to the sender. C.O.D. shipments are automatically returned to the sender on the same day the final delivery attempt is made.
If you missed the first delivery attempt, your driver probably left a UPS InfoNotice® indicating a delivery attempt had been made. Using the UPS InfoNotice, you can choose from up to four delivery change options: Will Call, Delivery to Another Address, Reschedule Delivery, or Return to Sender.
You will be redirected to the Informed Delivery enrollment site to complete enrollment after submitting your redelivery request. Mail and packages will populate your dashboard and daily notification in 2 to 5 business days. To track a package sooner, manually enter the tracking number into your dashboard. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Oct 01, 2019 · UPS lets me pick it up after a missed delivery the same evening, once the driver gets back to the hub. I just called the number, told the woman I wanted to pick it up, she told me a time, was in an out in 2 minutes.
Jan 29, 2020 · When you have a UPS missed delivery because you couldn't sign, you should find a UPS InfoNotice on your door or other point of delivery. This paper will often note that UPS will make another delivery attempt and will provide alternative options if you still won't be available.
Mar 10, 2010 · What happens if you miss a UPS package? I am ordering a camera online from Adorama. I am never home before the UPS truck gets there because it always passes me while I am walking to my house from the bus stop. My mom works and isn't home until even later, and besides she doesn't know about the camera. I know for fedex they leave...
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