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Care of all newborns includes immediate and thorough drying, skin to skin contact of the newborn with the mother, cord clamping and cutting after the first minutes after birth, early initiation of breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding.
Some babies, like premature babies (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) and babies born by c-section, may have trouble breathing after birth and need extra help from their health care providers. A c-section (also called cesarean birth) is surgery in which your baby is born through a cut that your doctor makes in your belly and uterus.
May 22, 1999 · At every delivery, wherever it takes place, there should be at least one person who is responsible for giving basic care to the baby, initiating resuscitation if necessary, and summoning more help if needed (British Paediatric Association, 1993) Successful resuscitation requires the coordinated efforts of a professional team.Author: Patricia Hamilton
SECtION I / DelIvery AND ImmeDIATe NeoNATAl CAre 9. rubbing the back, for example— may encourage the initial respira- tory effort and continued breathing during the early transitional period if needed. vigorous or prolonged stimulation may cause great harm to the baby and is not part of skill- …
Newborn care immediately after birth. 1:38 min 2,726,999 views Ever wonder what happens to a baby right after birth? Watch this video to see the type of care a newborn typically receives in the hospital, from getting the umbilical cord cut to having an Apgar test. Show transcript
Newborn Care Natus Newborn Care products address the critical areas of assessment and treatment of newborns, and are designed for use by clinicians as they provide care in the critical minutes & hours after delivery and prior to discharge from the hospital.
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