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Local government service delivery Equitable and efficient service delivery is at the heart of local government’s mandate. The resources in this section focus on the management and delivery of key strategic, corporate and technical services, ranging from those for which local government has direct responsibility, to shared service provision, and services for which local government is a partner.
Service delivery is often thought of as being purely governmental (for example, policing), managed by private interests (a contract for snow removal, for example) or left completely up to community groups or individuals. But the report identifies 10 steps between the two extremes.
Poverty takes many forms, and demands a corresponding breadth of responses. Making services accessible to the poor is integral to the effort to achieve the MDGs. (…hence fight Poverty). Basic government services allow people to be productive members
government is to develop a service delivery capacity in order to meet the basic needs of all. South African communities. The provision of basic services enhances the quality of life of. all citizens, and it increases many new economic opportunities and productive initiatives.
1.2.2 Elements of service delivery Designs in Local Governments Local governments (LGs) should improve service delivery as part of their responsibility to the people. Hence, local governments should: i. Evaluate citizens’ needs, priorities and decisions; ii. Increase understanding and act upon socio-economic needs of the citizens in order
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