We have collected information about Delivery Attempt Deutsch for you. Follow the links to find out details on Delivery Attempt Deutsch.
A new delivery attempt will take place — The shipment could not be delivered. A new delivery attempt will take place the next working day — The shipment could not be delivered at the 2nd attempt and is being held at a retail outlet for pick-up. The recipient has been notified
en Additional added-value service features are, for example, delivery on appointment, the option to effect a change of destination or of addressee in course of transit or if delivery to the primary destination fails, tracking and tracing, guaranteed time of delivery, more than …
Unless it was a C.O.D. delivery, UPS will hold your shipment for five business days at the nearest UPS center. If the shipment is not picked up within five business days, it will be returned to the sender. C.O.D. shipments are automatically returned to the sender on the same day the final delivery attempt is made.
I tried, but I could not make the delivery. Something was wrong, and I have to end my attempt (try). For a delivery company or the USPS, I would guess at some of the problems which might cause a delivery attempt to be abandoned. The person who was...
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English Français Deutsch Italiano ... A failed delivery attempt means that the courier driver tried to deliver a parcel to a customer, but the delivery was not successful. In most cases, you will find a note left by the driver notifying you about the failed delivery. An attempted delivery will also be visible in the online tracking system of ...
Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "attempted delivery" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.
05.12 - Unsuccessful delivery attempt. No delivery for specified address. Addressee advised to pick up the item; Unsuccessful delivery attempt. No delivery for specified address. The recipient need go to the po... 05.11 - Unsuccessful delivery attempt. Recipient not available at the time of delivery or office closed; Unsuccessful delivery attempt.
delivery attempt Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. Millionen Wörter und Sätze in allen Sprachen.
1 UPS Pickup Attempt (UPS 1 Attempt Returns Plus) A UPS driver will attempt to collect the return package one time. If it is not available for collection, the UPS driver will leave a return label at the collection location. Your customer can then take the package to any UPS location, provide it to a UPS driver, or request a UPS On-Call ...
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