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This article reviews the evidence on the relationship between decentralisation and service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa. It notes that, although decentralisation has been a popular development ...Author: Diana Conyers
Shareable Link. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Author: Diana Conyers
service delivery. Section 4 provides an overview of the nature and extent of the evidence on the impact of decentralisation on service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa. It maintains that there is a dearth of information about its ultimate impact on service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa, but a considerable amount of data about its impact on the ...
created problems initially with service delivery at the subnational level, which were addressed gradually over time. This suggests a gradual decen-tralization through a process that goes hand in hand with strengthening the public finance management systems. viii LESSONS FOR EFFECTIVE FISCAL DECENTRALIZATION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAAuthor: Niko A Hobdari, Vina Nguyen, Salvatore Dell'Erba, Edgardo Ruggiero
Fiscal decentralization is becoming a pressing issue in a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa, reflecting demands for a greater local voice in spending decisions and efforts to strengthen ...
In the WIDER Working Paper ‘Vertical Decentralization and Urban Service Delivery in South Africa: Does Politics Matter?’ Robert Cameron looks at the ways in which politics affects decentralization and service delivery in South Africa. To do this he looks at …
Education decentralization efforts are examined in six primarily rural, sub-Saharan African countries--Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. Stated reasons do not always reflect the real underlying rationales for decentralization. Education decentralization that is publicly advocated to improve service delivery and local empowerment may actually be motivated by cost reduction ...Author: Jordan P. Naidoo
Decentralisation and service delivery : lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa Disclaimer The copyright of the documents on this site remains with the original publishers.
Against this backdrop, this paper seeks to distill the lessons for an effective fiscal decentralization reform, focusing on the macroeconomic aspects. The main findings for sub-Saharan African countries that have decentralized, based on an empirical analysis and four case studies (Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda), are as follows:
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