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Centralisation is commonly associated with service delivery problems because services are consumed locally, resource allocation may not reflect local preferences and through fear of corruption and misuse of funds.
service delivery is an implicit motivation behind most of these decentralization efforts. The reasons are twofold. First, these basic services, such as health, education,
service delivery is an implicit motivation behind most of these decentralization efforts. The reasons are twofold. First, these basic services, such as health, education,
Only by examining how these relationships change can we understand why decentralization can, and sometimes cannot, lead to better service delivery. In particular, the various instruments of decentralization-fiscal, administrative, regulatory, market, and financial-can affect the incentives facing service providers, even though they relate only to local policymakers.
Decentralization and service delivery (English) Abstract Dissatisfied with centralized approaches to delivering local public services, a large number of countries are decentralizing responsibility for these services to lower-level, locally elected governments.Author: Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Shantayanan Devarajan, Stuti Khemani, Shekhar Shah
Decentralization and improved service delivery Decentralization also aims at an economic and political system that responds more closely to people’s preferences and requirements. By bridging the gap between suppliers and users of goods and services, decentralization measures are expected to achieve three major objectives:
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