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CrosFit Crave. 715 South Sugar Street, Celina, OH, 45822, United States. 419-305-5326 info@crossfit.com. Hours. Download Box Command ...
Sep 13, 2021 · 09/13/2021 — CrossFit Crave. Home About Coaches Classes Blog Join Store. Contact Us. 09/13/2021. RX. For Time: 21 Back Squats (body weight) 7 Rope Climbs (15-ft.) 15 Back Squats.
Aug 05, 2021 · RX FOR LOAD 5-5-5-3-3-3-2-2 Push Jerk - Perform 50 double unders and 10 box step-ups (24/20”) after each set of push jerks. Rest as needed between sets. LEVEL 2 FOR LOAD 5-5-5-3-3-3-2-2 Push Jerk - Perform 25 double unders and 10 box step-ups (20/14”) after each set of push …
Community Gatherings starts THIS FRIDAY (1/31). It's FREE to play. 2 males and 2 females per team (4 total people). Try to make it on Friday nights at 6pm to throw down with everyone, but the workouts can be done anytime after Friday but before the following Monday at 8pm.
Sep 10, 2010 · CrossFit affiliates comprise a confederation of dedicated fitness practitioners united around the shared goal to improve health, happiness, and performance for anyone who walks through their doors. Find A Gym. Wednesday. 210915. Workout of the Day 8. Deadlift 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps.
2 days ago · Beyond Tomorrow: How CrossFit Crave Is Breaking the Incarceration Cycle. 1 -Courtesy CrossFit -By Melissa Yinger. (9-14-21) A young woman — not more than 17 years old — walked into CrossFit Crave in Celina, Ohio. It was almost time for class, and the athletes were gathered around the whiteboard ready to hear about the day’s workout.
How CrossFit Crave Is Breaking the Incarceration Cycle 1 For the past three years, the coaches and community members of CrossFit Crave have been teaming up with Expanding Horizons, a government-funded program geared toward improving the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of youth involved in the juvenile court system.
Hours. M-Th: 6AM-8PM. FRI: 6AM-6:30PM. SAT: 7AM-11:30AM. SUN: CLOSED. View Schedule >>. Invictus Fitness is a functional fitness gym in Downtown San Diego, offering group workouts and private training for all fitness levels and goals. Our professional team of coaches are experts at getting you the best workout for your needs and in a safe and ...
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