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Cron job every 4 hours is a commonly used cron schedule.
May 30, 2011 · Normally if I set the crontab entry like this, Code: 00 */4 30 05 * root date >>/tmp/cronout. The above will execute the date command for every 4 hours like 4,8,12,16,20,24 on 30th May, for example I start the crontab at 02:00:00. But if I start the crontab at 09:15:00, it should execute the crontab command after 4 hours like 13:15:00, then 17:15:00 like this.
Feb 06, 2015 · 1 Answer1. Active Oldest Votes. 1. I recommend using at, not cron, because that way you won't have to remember to remove the crontab entry when the 24 hours are up. Just schedule 8 identical at jobs to run at the desired times (each 4 hours apart). In each job, you can, for example, use curl or wget, but of which can easily support writing the downloaded contents wherever you want it.
May 31, 2011 · Execute crontab for every 4 hours and begin from current time. At does sound more like a job for "at" than "crontab". Though "at" does of course use cron. Any recursive script like this should have a means of stopping the script (e.g. test for a "stop" file).
Jul 08, 2021 · To run a Linux/Unix crontab every hour of every day, you use a very similar syntax. Here’s a crontab entry I use to access a Drupal cron.php page five minutes after every hour using wget : # hit this url to run the drupal cron process every hour of every day # this command will run at 12:05, 1:05, etc. 5 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1 http://localhost/cron.php
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