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When you use the best test prep, you can expect it to take roughly 130 hours to study for the CPA exam’s BEC section. Notice how we said roughly a lot? Like we said earlier, that’s …Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Jan 17, 2018 · In general, it’s recommended that CPA candidates study for 300-400 hours for the CPA exam in total in order to ensure they pass. Essentially, this equates to about 80-100 hours of CPA study hours for each exam section. Keep in mind that these suggested and …
Sep 04, 2021 · The most difficult section of the CPA exam is the FAR and REG section. I have seen some recommend 190 hours for FAR which I think is extremely conservative. I would budget for 160 hours. For the REG section, I think a student should plan for 100 hours of study time. I would also recommend 100 hours for the AUD section. Finally, for the BEC section I would recommend 110 hours of study time. That is a total of about 470 …
Feb 04, 2020 · The AICPA recommends that candidates spend between 300-400 hours to study for the entire exam CPA exam. Because we all learn differently, some sections will require more study hours than others due to the volume of material included in a section and how quickly one …Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Mar 01, 2019 · This gives you plenty of time to study for each section without making you crazy. How long should I study for each CPA exam section? Here are the recommended number of hours you should set aside for your CPA exam study plan to prepare for each section: FAR: 120 hours; REG: 110 hours; AUD: 100 hours; BEC: 90 hours; Obviously, these are simply estimates.Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Best CPA Study Time #1: The Morning. To pass the CPA exam while working full time, what we teach our clients to do is to have a two hour main study session and on workdays, that’s all you do with your review course. So you do a two hour study session, you’re following our study framework and you do it in the morning so that your biggest ...
May 13, 2021 · Each exam section has a four-hour time limit. Because the exam covers such an extensive amount of information, it requires a significant commitment in study time. We recommend 500 hours of study before taking the exam. It’s a worthy investment, given that the CPA Exam pass rate is notoriously low.
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