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Our aim is to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Do you have a question, comment, suggestion or a tip to pass along to ChessOK? Contact our staff directly via the links provided below. Your questions may be answered between the hours of 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. …
Konvekta extends factory. Access to the jobsite webcam. On June 10th the members of the board and the management team with involved companies started the 15 Mio. USD expansion project with a joint act to break ground for the new factory.. The new extension will triple the floor space to increase production and shorten delivery times and will be completed by the end of 2021.
Modern methods for training a chess player. - ChessOK.com. The formula of succeess: ELO 2200 + 2 years of training = International Master! According to the patriarch of Soviet chess, Mikhail Botvinnik, four basic principles that form a chess player’s strength are chess talent, a strong character, health and special preparation.
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