We collected information about Confirmation Service Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Confirmation Service Hours.
There is a tracking form for Confirmation service hours. Keep this tracking form at home and record your service hours regularly. The service hours tracking form is to be turned in by April 15, 2015. This form will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy. Types of Service: 10 Hours for Community 10 Hours for Church 5 Hours for Family
1. The requirement is 15 hours of service for each Confirmation candidate. At least 5 hours each must be in service to each of the following groups: A. Parish B. Local City and Community other than parish C. Family, Neighbors, etc. If you do a significant amount of service for …
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS FOR CONFIRMATION PREPARATION These are suggestions and basic guidelines. When in doubt please call the office. COMMUNITY--15 hours required Volunteer at St. Felix’s Food Pantry (505) 891-8075 Volunteer at San Juan Diego Friary (505) 990-3001File Size: 50KB
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