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Cohen & Padda, LLP. 4240 W Flamingo Rd STE 220. Las Vegas, NV 89103-3946. Reasons for Rating. NR. Cohen & Padda, LLP. This business has no rating because it is out of business.
Cohen & Padda is located at the address 4240 W Flamingo Rd in Las Vegas, Nevada 89103. They can be contacted via phone at (702) 366-1888 for pricing, hours and directions. For maps and directions to Cohen & Padda view the map to the right. For reviews of Cohen & Padda see below.
Cohen & Padda, PLLC is 4240 West Flamingo Road #220, Las Vegas, NV 89103 address. We work on weekdays through 9:00am to 5:00pm. We are closed on weekends ( Saturday, Sunday ). You can contact us by 702-366-1888 phone number , [email protected] email address or …
Cohen & Padda is located at 711 S 4th St, 103 Ste Las Vegas, NV 89101. Cohen & Padda can be contacted at (702) 366-1888. Get Cohen & Padda reviews, ratings, business hours…Location: 711 S 4th St 103 Ste, Las Vegas, 89101, NV
Complaint History & Business Rating for Cohen & Padda LLP 4240 West Flamingo Road Suite 220, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89103, United States. Is this your business?
That's why is you're in the city of Bracken in USA, we recommend Cohen & Padda LLP if you have legal problems and want to count on a high degree of excellence and quality. Here you can visualize the register for Cohen & Padda LLP. If you are the owner of this information, you can edit or delete your data in the link found on the top of the ...
COHEN & PADDA, LLP 4240 West Flamingo Road, Suite 220 Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 Tele: (702) 366-1888 Fax: (702) 366-1940 Web: caplawyers.com ... the basis of disability when he denied Plaintiff 240 hours of advanced sick leave. Additionally, Defendant’s management employee, Mr. Carey, had Plaintiff’s computer ...
PAUL S. PADDA ESQ. EXPERIENCE IS AT YOUR SIDE. With decades of legal experience and a distinguished history of defending injured people across Nevada, from slip and fall accidents to Veterans Affairs medical malpractice, Paul Padda Law knows what it takes to secure a recovery designed for you.
(702) 366-1888 Cohen & Padda, LLP Las Vegas reviews 5 Star Review Personal Injury Client: I have used the law offices of Cohen & Padda two time...
13. Ultimately, Michelle was able to retain the law firm of Cohen & Padda, who resolved the case for her. 14. Even after Cohen and Padda had filed a substitution of counsel, Defendants took more than a month to transfer Michelle’s file to her new counsel, which further prejudiced her case. 15.
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