We collected information about Cobol Subtract Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Cobol Subtract Hours.
A year-last date field is allowed in a SUBTRACT statement only as identifier-1 and when the result of the subtraction is a nondate. There are two steps to determining the result of a SUBTRACT statement that involves one or more date fields: Subtraction: determine the result of the subtraction operation, as described under Subtraction that ...
Aug 05, 2011 · Rather than having COBOL do the DATE-TIME arithmetic why don't you let DB2 do the DATE-TIME arithmetic for you.. Code: SELECT CURRENT TIMESTAMP AS TIME_NOW, CURRENT TIMESTAMP - 4 HOUR AS TIME_NOW_MINUS_4_HOURS FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
Subtract Verb in COBOL - Tutorial to learn Subtract Verb in COBOL in simple, easy and step by step way with syntax, examples and notes.
Subtract Verb. Subtract verb is used for subtraction operations. Syntax. Given below is the syntax for Subtract operations −. SUBTRACT A B FROM C D SUBTRACT A B C FROM D GIVING E SUBTRACT CORR WS-GROUP1 TO WS-GROUP2 In syntax-1, A and B are added and subtracted from C. The result is stored in C (C = C-(A+B)). A and B are added and subtracted ...
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