Citikitty Incorporated Hours

We collected information about Citikitty Incorporated Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Citikitty Incorporated Hours.

Contact Us – CitiKitty Inc.
    CitiKitty Headquarters. 61 Green Lane. Bristol, PA 19007. 1-215-310-5420 or 1-866-237-0455 (8 am - 4:30 pm EST Monday-Friday) Fax - 1-215-310-1718.

CitiKitty Inc.
    CitiKitty® Patented Cat Toilet Training Kit - Ditch your dirty litter box with CitiKitty. Never buy or scoop cat litter again. CitiKitty toilet trains cats.

About Us – CitiKitty Inc.
    CitiKitty Inc. was founded in 2005 by 26 year-old entrepreneur Rebecca Rescate. Rescate founded CitiKitty after moving into a small apartment in New York City. Having no place to hide her cat's litter box she decided to toilet train her.Rescate read countless toilet training success stories, mostly using homemade devic

How Cat Toilet Training Works with CitiKitty – CitiKitty Inc.
    Place CitiKitty On Your ToiletPlace CitiKitty on the rim under the seat. CitiKitty is designed to fit all sizes and shapes of toilets.Plus the rugged polymer surface is easy to clean. Fill CitiKitty with Flushable LitterA handful of litter on top of CitiKitty gives your cat the litter box feel they are used to. Your ca

CitiKitty Success Stories – CitiKitty Inc.
    Meet Toffee, a Toilet Trained CitiKitty from Finland! Toffee came into Inesa's life in May of 2014 when he was roughly one-year-old. Already then he was 'a very curious and kind cat'. Living in a small apartment Inesa thought it would be beneficial for all in the family if Toffee could learn to …

Add Ons – CitiKitty Inc.
    CitiKitty TunaTreats Premium Bonito Flakes Cat Treat - Easy Grip Jar. $ 53.98 From $ 26.99. Customer reviews: CitiKitty Cat Toilet ...
    The CitiKitty is shallow with a small surface area and often times the poop/pee will be exposed due to lack of litter. If the litter smells like pee or poop, the cat will avoid it and find a cleaner spot to do business!

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