We collected information about Christina Hair Salon Holbrook Ma Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Christina Hair Salon Holbrook Ma Hours.
12 reviews of Christina's Hair Salon "What can I say, this place is newly renovated and has everything a guy or woman can want in an establishment, legally. The staff is very friendly and experienced. They have spray tanning, a masseuse on call, and a clean building for you to shed some hair comfortably. Reasonable prices and walk-ins are welcome!3 Yelp reviews
Find opening times and closing times for Christina's Hair Salon in 478 N Franklin St, Holbrook, MA, 02343 and other contact details such as address, phone …
Christina's Hair Salon. 478 North Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA 02343 Directions. Today 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM All Hours. +17817671100. Treat yourself to a new 'do at Christina's Hair Salon in Holbrook, MA a high-quality hair salon. Treat yourself to a cut and color at this salon, a top-notch salon.
5 reviews, contact details and business hours of Christina’s Hair Salon at 478 N Franklin St, Holbrook, MA. Check out nearby places on a map. Write a review.
Services Christina's Hair Salon is a salon in Holbrook, MA 02343. Salons like Christina's Hair Salon offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures. Contact Christina's Hair Salon and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 478 North Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA …5/5
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