We collected information about Chelsea And Westminster Maternity Visiting Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Chelsea And Westminster Maternity Visiting Hours.
More than 9 out of 10 women would recommend our maternity services at Chelsea and Westminster* and West Middlesex** hospitals. * CW NHS Friends and Family Test score Nov 2018 ** WM NHS Friends and Family Test score Nov 2018. Our service users rated us 9 out of 10 for labour and birth in the CQC Maternity …
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. In all areas, only the mother's own children are allowed to visit from 8am–8pm. Labour ward and birthing unit. Open visiting (24 hours) by up to two nominated birthing partners; Simpson unit. Visiting 8am–10pm by one nominated partner—no other visitors (family or friends) or partners staying overnight
At Chelsea and Westminster Hospital the hairdresser is located on the 2nd Floor, Lift Bank D open Tue–Fri, 10:30am–5:30pm—call 020 3315 8681 or 07565 108 045 to book an appointment. At West Middlesex University Hospital there is a hairdresser located in …
Maternity: B: 3: 8am-8pm: 020 3315 6000 Option 2 / 3768: Burns Unit: Adult burns: C: 5: 2–8pm: 020 3315 8611 / 2500: Children under 12 are not allowed to visit: Chapel: N/A: C: 1: N/A: 020 3315 8083: Also accessed via escalators in the main atrium. Chelsea Wing: Private inpatients D: 4: 24 hours: 020 3315 8409 / 3596: Daniel Turner Dermatology Unit: Dermatology D: 1: N/A: 020 3315 3248
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